Visit the Senate


Schools interested in visiting the Senate during the 2013-14 school-year, in the September-June period, must send a request filling the relevant form (Click here to book a guided tour).

Pupils are admitted from their last year of primary school onwards.

Guided tours, conducted by Senate staff, last 50 minutes approximately.

The tours of Palazzo Madama can only take place when the Senate does not sit and, consequently, they do not include attending sittings.

In order to open the Senate to the largest possible number of groups, only one visit per year may be requested by each school, choosing between a guided tour or attending a sitting.

The maximum number of people for each group is 50.

Subject to availability, visiting dates are fixed chronologically until the end of the period according to the order in which requests are received and they may be changed, even with short notice, for reasons connected to parliamentary business.

Appropriate clothing is required.

For further information, call +39 06 6706 2177 or write to